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01-Oct-2001 09:02 PM
  Being a foreign student after Sept. 11
I just read in the WSJ that the INS will monitor the 800.000 foreign students more closely.
Do you have any idea what kind of monitoring they talk about? How far will they go?

Have you heard anything about this?

04-Oct-2001 05:08 PM
 Re: Being a foreign student after Sept. 11
Yeah, they have this computerized system that allows the international student advisors to report out-of-status students ti INS as soon as they get out of status. I forgot the name of it, CIPRIS I think. It was in the works for quite a while but student advisors resisted it's implementation. Now INS will force them to report out-of-status students.

Currently INS is not aware of most students who lost their status and just stayed in the country.

01-Nov-2001 10:49 PM
 Re: Being a foreign student after Sept. 11
The program is called SEVIS (student exchange
visitor information system), it used to be called
CIPRIS. It's scheduled to be implemented on
January 2003 and INS claims it will "meet and intends to beat" this deadline. Looks like the cost of the
implementation of the program (11.7 million) is
going to be passed on to the foreign students in
the form of INS fees. See INS site for more details:

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 11-1-2001 23:34 ]

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