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25-Apr-2001 07:26 PM
  changing school before classes even started?? help meeee!
hello there

i have joined the community college of las vegas nevada but i have not started school yet. I arrived in vegas last week and just dont ajust to the life here , no car and knowing nobody it s just hell, plus it s hard to meet local young people here as the life on campus is non excistant ... Anyways, i got my visa already and my ip20 filled by the ins and all i want is to join an other school either in san diego or new york city...How can i do that? would it be easier to just start school here and get transfered? or to just apply now? I havent registered yet to the college here in vegas....Do i have to go back to france to wait for my new ip20?


26-Apr-2001 12:08 AM
 Re: changing school before classes even started?? help meeee!
You need to be admitted to another school. Then have the intl student advisor at the new school help you apply for reinstatement. INS almost always approves these applications. Just don't wait too long!

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