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16-Oct-2001 01:26 PM
me again
I'm an Indian citizen..I'm in the US on holiday. I've applied to Oberlin college, Ohio, and am hoping to
receive the full scholarship. My tourist visa 1-94 expires on the 7th of Jan 2002. I will know if ive got into
Oberlin by 15th December. My question is this...would it be cutting it too fine to go to the INS here in the US
and ask for a change of status.
Taking the recent NY crashes, would it be risky to go back to india before my 1-94 expires and apply FROM
india in June-July 2002, for my F1 for studies at Oberlin in the fall?
Anyone have any useful info that you can give me??

17-Oct-2001 06:22 PM
 Re: HELP!!!
Once you apply for a change of status from visitor's visa to student visa, you can enroll to school without any problem from the INS. INS takes some time to make a decision, however, and, I am not sure if you will be eligible to accept any kind of scholarship before INS approves your application.

I am not sure about how risky going back to India before your I-94 expires and apply for a student visa from there is. One senate committee is preparaing a proposal draft to stop giving student visas for at least one semester. The proposal is very unlikely to be granted, but, who knows what is going to happen. I hope someone else more knowledgeable in this forum or somewhere else answers you.

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