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14-Feb-2001 06:26 AM
  deep in trouble
I'm in a really deep in trouble.
I came to the States with Tour Visa,which is B-2, and I got I-20 in the States on last April So I went to immigration to tranfer my visa to F-1, but they told me that it would take more than 1 years to transfer.
So I hired lawyer to taking care of my visa, but the lawyer was such an as...ole. He didn't take care of my visa and my B-2 expired. So I asked him what happened, and he was just telling me
"It's okay, don't worry"

So so stupidly I trusted him, and now I'm .ucked.

Now I'm just studying without visa. I don't know
what should I do, and what's gonna happend.

Please tell me some suggestions.

15-Feb-2001 04:59 PM
 Re: deep in trouble
Actually, if everything is as simple as you said,
you're not ".ucked." You're considered to be in F-1
status from the time your application is received at
the INS service center and you will stay an F-1
student until your application is either accepted
and denied. It doesn't matter that your B-2 has
expired because you are currently considered to be
under F-1 status.

The mistake you made was hiring a lawyer. A
lawyer can't do anything to speed up this process.
A laywer can make sure that the forms you filed are
correct but they can't affect the process time of a
change of status petition.

Of course, to be considered in F-1 status, you
should be a full time student. If you're not then you
may be really ".ucked."

Good luck!

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