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05-Dec-2001 12:41 AM
  Eligibility for Permanent Residence Status
I am a foreign student studying in the US with a student visa. Will I be eligible to appy for permanent residence status once I reach 18? If not, at which age will I be able to apply for permanent residence?

15-Dec-2001 08:54 PM
 Re: Eligibility for Permanent Residence Status
sure thing kiddo, they will give you Permanent residency(green card) once you reach the age of 250. sorry , i didn't mean to throw a cruel joke. hahahah they just don't give you a residency just because you've been living here are you are 18 or +. There are other legal ways. I don't know how adoption process works but you might want to ask someone about it. Being under 18 in this case might be very helpful.Another way, is to go to college, graduate in a good major whichi helps you to get a job.If you get hired the company can issue a H1 visa. Then, if you don't get laid out or don't get into trouble then the company can sponsor you for a green card. i will cross my fingers for you lil' brother.
Best of all is to go to college. Then study very hard majoring in a meaningful subject. Like computer science, electrical engeenering, etc. Not like child care, history like that.You want to get hired.
Also , you can get married to a citizen and then apply for the residency. It's the easiest way. However, your marriage should be legatimate.

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