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22-Jun-2002 02:25 AM
  Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
Hi, Folks,

This is your opportunity to share with all international students in USA of who do you think is the worst DSO or Student Advisor you've ever encounter based on their knowledge and service attitude. I will collect your opinions and send the winner a trophy. Please vote !
Deadline : September 20, 2002

22-Jun-2002 02:33 AM
 Re: Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
Please provide the following information:

1. Advisor Name
2. School Name
3. Reason why he/she deserve this award. ( Use civilize language, please.)

I promise to deliver the award and post the picture of trophy online!

22-Jun-2002 04:29 AM
 Re: Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
Mrs. Barbara Griffith of Pasadena City College is surely a strong candidate for this award. She is a cranky old lady who enjoys threaten innocent foreign students. She likes to scare them when they first apply in order to gain control of them. One trick she normally does is to ask a student to see her 8:00 a.m. and have he/she wait for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the hallway and later claimed that she was late because she had a :Emergency Meeting;, then she tells the student that his/her F-1status or I-20s has problem and that they could be arrested and deported by INS. She will then reschedule the meeting two or three days later and left student ponder and worry about being deported. When student return for the meeting scheduled 2 or 3 days later, they will again find themselves waiting outside of her office for another 11/2 to 2 hours before meeting her. I used to work as a student assistant in a different department next to her office and was common to hear her yelling at international students and was very common to see female students walk out of her office with tiers in their face!
Plus, PCC・s international student office never provides international students with housing, on-campus work, job placement or cultural orientation assistance!

I understand there are many good advisor out there and I know their jobs are very demanding but there are also many Black Sheeps out there that shall be pointed.

Thank you for the opportunity ! Drifter

25-Jun-2002 02:20 PM
 Re: Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
go figure
why don't you have a contest for the BEST advisor. there are some good ones out there too you know. you people just love to ridicule others don't you?!?!? WORST advisor contest..the dumbest thing i've heard yet!!!

26-Jun-2002 06:32 AM
 Re: Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
International Student Advisor or DSO plays an important role in foreign student・s success in US university and college. They are designated school officers appointed by both INS and school to assist and monitor international student while they remain in USA, they serve the function as a bridge communicating both foreign student・s needs and INS・s policy. But, too often, we see people in that position abusing the authority and power given by INS for their personal gains or simply, Ego.

I want to host this event so that all foreign students who were mistreated has an opportunity to voice their concerns and I will personally guarantee that these concerns will be heard by organizations like NAFSA, AAU, AASCU and INS.

This is not just a way to ridicule others like you think!

C・mon Folks, please contribute and vote .

04-Jul-2002 06:47 AM
 Re: Who is the WORST International Student Advisor contest!
I don't know, man. An American friend of mine went to work as a student advisor and he sais he hardly got any information on how to deal with INS and all of that. He kind of learned on the job. And he said after several months he knew more than the old ladies that worked in his office for years.

I've heard about advisors who actually spy on students who work illegally and do some other nasty stuff, but my advisors are OK. They screw up sometimes but usually not because they mean to.

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