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08-Jun-2001 03:56 PM
  work right away
I am waiting for my work permit to get here because of financial hardship--how long does it take----but i want to start working right away--any tips on how to tell my possible employer to hire me right away?

09-Jun-2001 04:52 PM
 Re: work right away
It takes at least 60-90 days to get an answer from INS, ones you get a receipt(2-3 weeks after mailing your application) from INS with a your special number on it you can call automatic system and check the status on you application (the phone # should be on the bottom). When you will have an answer already you should start looking for job-ads and start faxing your resume. After you get approved (from the automatic system), it will take another 2-4 weeks to get your working permit card.
You were asking how to work right away. Well, I cannot answer, because it depends where you want to work and what skills you have, I only can tell you that it took me one week to find a great job.
Good luck

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