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19-Sep-2000 08:50 PM
  Is credit transferrable?
I've learnt from your web site that to save money, I should enroll in a two-year community college first, then transfer to a four-year university for the degree.
But when I am choosing colleges to apply, one thing concerns me: are all my credit transferrable when I finish studying in the community college? For example, if I graduate from Los Angeles City College, can I be accepted by CUNY as a Junior?

19-Sep-2000 11:38 PM
 Re: Is credit transferrable?
It really depends on the school and the program you're pursuing, but if you take a general liberal arts curriculum at a two-year community college that is similar to what most freshman and sophomore students at a four year college take, you should be okay. You may not get full-credit in the transfer, but this will depend on the schools you're working with.

Contact an admissions officer at a few four year colleges you think you might want to go to, and ask a few questions about recommended associate degree programs that they often deal with (where credit transfers haven't been a problem for their current students).

Good luck.

21-Sep-2000 05:05 AM
 Re: Is credit transferrable?
I agree with the previous answer. Contact the school you are planning to transfer to before you chose your classes in the Community College.

As a rule you can transfer all of your credits when you transfer to a 4-year college in the same public school system (BMCC to Baruch, for instance, both are part of CUNY).

Some schools may accept only some of your credits (half of them, for example). That's why you better check with the school you plan to transfer to.

I know that some 4 year colleges will not accept credits from your home country even if they were accepted by your community college and were counted towards your degree.

I think that you are in a better situation if you are transferring from one public school to another, compared to transferring from a public to a private school.

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