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20-May-2002 05:08 PM
  Any polish students, who obtained the F1 ?
I'm planning to applay for one soon. I'm pretty scared... i must say. Situation in Poland is terrible... i heard even about denying visa applications in the middle of studies! Paranoid, isn't it. Well... if there's anyone from Europe, particulary from Poland who had already got one and would like to advise me on some problems that makes me feel dizzy - feel free to drop a line. Email Only!

20-May-2002 05:16 PM
 Re: Any polish students, who obtained the F1 ?
..i'm not polish but the thing is you have to prove that you have established ties to your home country and that you are willing to go back after you have finished. you also have to show that you have A LOT OF MONEY(at least to cover the first year WITHOUT the need to apply for permit to work under economic hardship). if you have a family business or anything like that i think it helps.

27-Jun-2002 10:48 AM
 Re: Any polish students, who obtained the F1 ?
I am not a student in the States but would like to recommend you one Polish site for students looking for any possible way to leave the country and go over to US. Visit - praca w USA section.
You will be getting load of hints and remarks.
Good luck

09-Jul-2002 02:50 PM
 Re: Any polish students, who obtained the F1 ?
I am Polish and studying in US. When I applied for
F1 visa I did not have money or significant ties to
Poland. I've decided to start University studies in
Poland and after one year I applied for a student
visa. I argumented my ties to the country saying
that I am enrolled in school, I got dean's leave for 2
years, and my professor wrote a letter to the
embassy saying that the program of study in US
will benefit my future studies in Poland after I come
back. The school also wrote a convincing letter
saying that I would stay in touch with them and I
was expected to resume my studies in Poland as
soon as I got back from US. So, my advice is, if you
do not have material ties with Poland, enroll in
school, and find a program in US that would be
related to your field of study. Also , ask your school
to help you with application.

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