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09-Oct-2000 06:52 PM
  working with an f1
We have an F-1 student living with us and we keep getting conflicting information about what he can and can't do. Can he work casually, like a 15 year old kid might, babysitting or mowing lawns or such, and get paid in cash? (clearly we know he CAN, but is it legal?) He was in a band back home and had already designed a t-shirt to sell online and has interested customers lined up. We have been told by one person he can't do this, and by several others that it's okay. I can't find the appropriate law for this. What's considered "work" and what's not?

09-Oct-2000 11:59 PM
 Re: working with an f1
No, he can't legally work for compensation, but if you decide to interpret the law quite loosely, the first question would be whether he's filling out an I-9 form for anyone. If not, it seems to me he'd have very little to worry about.

It also seems that the rules surrounding internet commerce are still very much in their infant stage. It'll be interesting to see how things develop, but at the moment, this wouldn't appear to be a problem (at least to me, though others might differ...)

10-Oct-2000 12:04 AM
 Re: working with an f1
If he's been in the U.S. in F-1 status for at least one academic year he can apply for a work permit (based on severe economic need, among other possibilities). Have him talk with his school's visa advisor about the options.

If he just arrived last month, the type of work you're describing would require the above kind of permit, but he'd have to wait a while before he could apply for it.

20-Oct-2000 01:18 AM
 Re: working with an f1
I have a similar question:

Can F-1 students get revenue from adds on their
website? What do you think would be the
appropriate thing to do? File taxes? Send our
checks to our accounts in our home countries? Not
get payed at all?

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