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10-Oct-2001 05:00 PM
  In need of some good advice....please help
I am in desperate need of some good advice. I have not been to school in almost 8 months because I was not feeling well one week and missed 3 days of school. The school told me to bring a doctor's note which I did but they scared me into thinking that they have canceled my student visa and I was in big trouble. They haven't let me attend class since. I found out through a friend of mine who works for immigration that my visa is ok. My student visa expires in 03/2002. I would like to go to Canada for a couple of weeks to visit family. I have been before without a problem however I was going to school then. Even though I am not in school can I still go and apply for a Visitor Visa with the valid I20?

Even though I have been out of school for so long, can I go back without getting in trouble with the INS? I want to finish my studies.

What should I do?

Thank you

Deserately awaiting your answer...

13-Oct-2001 04:02 AM
 Re: In need of some good advice....please help
1. Don't miss school for eight months if you don't feel well for one week and miss classes for three days.

2. Without any prior notification or any medical reason, if you don't attend school full time, and that means 12 hours for undergrad students and nine for graduates, you become out of status.

3. God (actually FBI/INS etc.) knows what will USA do with out-of-status students.

4. The US embassy does not require I-20 for visitor's visa, I-20 is for F-1 visa.

5. If your goal is to visit Canad and then come back, I would say, it is much harder now after Sept. 11.

14-Oct-2001 11:15 PM
 Re: In need of some good advice....please help
Thank you for your response.

The last two times that I went to Canada I had to have a I-20 when I applied for a visitor's visa. I am a student studying english as a second language. I am studying a major yet. So are you saying that I can apply for my visitor's visa without an I-20? I always thought that the I-20 prooved my status as a student.

Do I have a chance of getting back into school without being reported to the INS as being out of status, if I am actually out of status?

Thank you!

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