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16-Oct-2001 08:36 PM
  Getting State ID, Driver's License & Opening a Bank Account
How can one:
a) get a State ID
b) open a Bank Account
c) get a Driver's License
particularly if you happen to be in the USA on a temporary non-immigrant visa like B1 / B2?
Please advise. Thanks
Wana Study

19-Oct-2001 08:02 PM
 Re: Getting State ID, Driver's License & Opening a Bank Account
hi! i live in oregon and have an oregon drivers licence (which is a state ID) and a bank account. bank of america will let you open an account - no problem. all you need to show them is your passport for ID purposes. at the DMV you also only need to show your passport, then you need to take a (very simple) test on driving procedures. in oregon it is about 20 questions long. after this they will give you a 'provisional licence' which is also a state ID. if you want to go on to get an actual drivers licence all you have to do is take a driving test. if you pass, you get your licence!! in oregon it's very easy, but i don't know about other states. hope this helps.

20-Oct-2001 12:44 AM
 Re: Getting State ID, Driver's License & Opening a Bank Account
Like I said I'm suspicious about all these questions in the light of the WTC bombing. I want to mention that it is much more difficult to open a bank account in the US than in other Western countries. I could open an account in Australia as a tourist without any problems whatsoever - it seemed more logical than to carry a bundle of cash around. In the US it was a major challenge - rather humiliating I would say.

It is possible to get all of the above on a B-2 visa, especially if you are ready to pay someone who would "help" you. It also helps to apply in states where there are relatively few immigrants - not NY or California.

If these questions are asked in connection to the WTC attacks please state this openly and we'll discuss this here.

25-Oct-2001 03:43 PM
 Re: Getting State ID, Driver's License & Opening a Bank Account
Thank you Serge for your reply with all the useful information.
I am only wondering and wish to know how the events of September 11 are going to affect all the above in particular as well as broader issues related to non-immigrants wanting to visit this country, study here, do business or get jobs etc. and those who wish
to settle down here permanently.
What kind of changes, if any, are being anticipated / or have arlready been made in the Immigration Laws for all catagories of people wanting to visit or live in the USA?
Wana Study

18-Jun-2002 04:40 AM
 Re: Getting State ID, Driver's License & Opening a Bank Account
getting a drivers licence, bank account and stae id are very easy. the state id is the easiest of all to get all you need is some proof of age and address, you know the stuff that will go on the id. After you get the id the licence will be easier to get because once you pass the written and driving tests the information form your id will be transfered to you licence. after you've gotten your licenc just go to the bank and once they see that you have the licence and enough to open an account with they will allow you to open the account.
P.s. this would work better in states where there are not alot of immigrants

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