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30-Nov-2001 07:25 PM
  Coming back
5:18 am on Dec. 1, 2001
Hi! I am an undergrade student and I've been a full time student for last three years but my grades are not good. I haven't worked off campus or done anything which is unlawful. I've been thinking to go home for last couple of semesters but i'm worried if i would be rejected to get a visa to come back? I don't know if my grades matters a lot to come back or not. I am not in probation but i have couple F and Ds on my trasncript. Anyone who has idea, please give me some advice.

05-Dec-2001 12:00 AM
 Re: Coming back
First of all, is your visa expired? If you don't need a new visa, and you just need to re-enter the US, you simply need to have you're I-20 signed for travel. These days, you should also make sure to bring your proof of funding (bank statement) and your registration information that proves your enrolled for next semester. You shouldn't have any problems.

IF your visa has expired then it may harder. You'll need to apply for a new visa. If you're worried about the consulate accepting your grades, get a letter from your advisor that says you're in good standing.

As long as you're not on academic probation at school, you should be OK.

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