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19-Feb-2002 09:02 PM
  employment authorization......
help please....
I came to states only very recently,Jan this year,
and am enrolled in my college, in my first
semester.Now it is impossible for me to continue
studying without finding some sort of work, and
after Sept 11, I am finding that finding off the books
work is extreamly hard.I am thinking of going to my
ISO, and ask for off the campus employment
approval....Do you think it is a viable idea?Also,
how safe is it to work outside the field of your major
study in college if the ISO gives this
authorization.What documents should I present to
the ISO in my situation?...Any input will be greatly

19-Feb-2002 09:32 PM
 Re: employment authorization......
I don't know if all the colleges are same... but as long as I know, if you've been attending the college more than 9 months, you can apply for a work permit through ISO. And if you got the permit, you can work off campus for 20 hours a week at most. Good luck!

27-Feb-2002 07:02 AM
 Re: employment authorization......
The type of work permit you can apply right now, in your current situation, is economic hardship work permit. This permit allows you to work off-campus regardless of your major of study. Consult to your ISO about this kind of permit.
Good Luck!

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