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20-Jul-2002 01:06 AM
  Seriousely anxious!!!!!!
karl fit
Hi.First of all, i would like to tell you how usefull is this forum.Thank you for put it on!HEre's my case:
I entered the u.S with a F1 visa for the E.S.L program.I took the first semester,which i succed with great grades.After that,for some personal reasons i couldn't take the next semester and decide to apply for a 2 years college.The fact is the space between the end of my session at this ESL and the start of my college courses was 2 months.
i need to know if i'm out of status!
Will the other college take me in?Do they konw if i'm out of status?
The type of visa that i have is for 6 months,and will expire on august.can i get outside the us,for example in France,and came back if i have a new i-20 signed by an advisor?
Thank you in advance for your help.

22-Jul-2002 08:57 PM
 Re: Seriousely anxious!!!!!!
Foremost, i will go right out and suggest that you call the immigration hotline and inqure about your situation. From anywhere in the US, you can dial 411 adn ask for thta number, or go to and poke around the site until you find the number to call for information (sorry, but i dont' rembember it myself). You will be put on hold for a good 30 min at least, but you will get the chance to speake to someone who can give you the most accurate information. Even lawyers call that number.

I will take a shot at your question and answer based on what i know from experience: an I-20 is not an F1 visa!, so if you get another I-20 from the new school, you will have to alert them of your situation (dont' rely on advisors'answers --they are not INS, and their wrong answers won't get you out of trouble!!! hence my first paragraph above) and follow the steps required for a valid transfer. you may not have to leave the country to get you status prolonged. you may be able to obtain a new form I-94 that will extend your stay. IF YOU LEAVE BEFORE ALL THIS IS DONE, YOU WILL HAVE TO START FROM SCRATCH AND ANY OVERSTAY ON THE TOP OF THE TIME ALLOWED BY YOUR VISA WILL COUNT AGAINST YOU.
So, if your current visa hasn't expired yet, you better rush and register at the nex college and insure that the during the 2 months gap, you are REGISTERED at an educational institution. Just make sure that the old school doesn't release you before the new one accepts you and you won't have any gaps to worry about.


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