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20-Jul-2000 07:34 PM
  DESPERATE: On an f1 and out of status
hi there,

I am here in the US on an F1 visa for my bachelors degree. Last semester (spring 2000), I was able to register only for three hours and thus i am now out of status. I have applied to the INS for the reinstatement of my status. The reason I have given the INS is that I was unwell during the registeration period and was thus able to take up only one class. I have a US doctor's letter stating the same.

I am really worried as I dont have any idea about the decision INS is going to make. Anybody who has had a similar experience..please advice about what I can do to improve my chances of being reinstated..please help!!!

please email me at

21-Jul-2000 12:06 AM
 Re: DESPERATE: On an f1 and out of status
I don't know what yor chances are, to me it looks like you should be OK. You can't do anything else since you've already applied. Please let us know if your doctor's letter worked. As far as we know it's the best excuse you can find.

24-Jun-2002 07:35 PM
 Re: DESPERATE: On an f1 and out of status
Let me tell ya what...I just came from INS today it's sucks to wait but after my DSO's demoralization and reading the articles about the victoms of the out of status i was KIND a worry about that...anyway i could't go 1 semestre and i was in the same situation but i had a different reason about that; my mom's accident which was true and noterized by the doctor.u know what they don't give a damm about it either they just looked to my assume paper and i got the reinstatement...But make sure to write a good reason in your letter...I don't know.. last time i was in INS is about 2 years before and i saw the same building,same personel a little bit more security and LOWASS work done..nothin changed... if you got a doctor letter i guess u're all set...i guess if u got a clean record like if u are not in the terror list...) u're all set..

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