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02-Sep-2000 10:39 PM
  need help desparately
Can you give me the best kind of documents I can submit to the INS. They have asked me to submit evidence to established that I have a residence abroad to return to after my studies. Can I submit bank statements in my name or would they need more evidence to grant me the student visa. Thank for all your help.

04-Sep-2000 02:22 AM
 Re: need help desparately
Some documents you may want to submit:

1. A notorized copy of your dad's title of the house.
2. A notorized letter from your dad that I was talking about in the previous answer.
3. Your dad's or other family members bank statement from a bank in your home country to prove that your finances are based in your country. Get them even if you are sponsoring yourself.
4. Your bank statement is not very useful, but you can still submit it. Submit only statements from banks in your home country. If you have money in an American bank - don't mention it, it creates an impression you do not have strong ties to your country.

As a comment on your next question I can tell that you have a very serious problem. What does your International Advisor says? Looks like INS suspects that you don't have strong ties to your country and that you came to America with a fraudulent intent.

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