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08-Jan-2001 09:29 PM
  OPT(F1) is expiring, help!!

I worked for a company while I was in OPT. They didn't apply H1-B for me until lately. Last month, the company laid-off employees while I haven't got the H1-B issued. My OPT will be expired in 2 months. It is nearly impossible to find sponserships.

Thought of going for Master program, but worry about the costs. Is it possible to go for full-time Master program while looking for job, then become full-time employee and part-time student?

I will appreciate any suggestions and helps.


10-Jan-2001 09:20 PM
 Re: OPT(F1) is expiring, help!!
It is possible as far as F-1 status is concerned.

I've read something about H-1 workers beeng allowed to change their employers once they receive their status. Maybe it applies to your situation somehow. I think in this situation you may want to consult a lawyer.

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