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17-Feb-2001 06:11 AM
  Please, Please Help! Out of F1 status! waiting for an answer from INS
Hello. i am from russia.
I lost my F1 status last semester, i did not attend school for one semester due to the financial problems. A year ago I applied to INS for working permit explaining them that i have to work because my parents have a financial problem to support me, so I got approved from INS and when I wanted to go back to school in Fall i could not pay full tuition and I did not go to school for fall 2000 semester, so all that semester i was working full time, by spring 2001(now) i paid everything and i got back to school as a full time student, i applied for reinstatement to INS with explanation why i did not go to school. ( INS already knew that i am having $$$ problems when i applied for working permit, which i got). Now I am waiting for an answer from them. My questions are:
1. what are my chances to be reinstated? ( when i wrote to INS letter ( the reasons were : financial, school tuition got raised, i was denied to go back to school because i had past due amount to pay) i include all kind of papers and prooves and school wrote a letter that i am full time student, in good standing and that i am pursuing my bachelor degree)
2. so now i am full time student and i still work, but part time , i would say 15 hours a week. should i still work?( i still have valid working permit) On INS form for reinstatement there is a saying. "While waiting for an answer from INS you may not work." what should i do? they don't say you can't work, they say-you may not work.
i am russian and i know it is very hard for us to get visas and stuff like that.
Please, please, please help me with advices and sorry for huge post.
Thanks alot!

17-Feb-2001 06:40 AM
 Re: Please, Please Help! Out of F1 status! waiting for an answer from INS
why did you decide to fill out form to INS for reinstatement??? sometimes schools will let you back to school with no problem.

17-Feb-2001 06:45 AM
 Re: Please, Please Help! Out of F1 status! waiting for an answer from INS
well, when i wanted to register for Spring 2001 , school declined me and they said that i am out of status and they can't readmit me. so they told me that i have to write a letter to INS and ask for reinstatement, and that's what I did. They readmit me till they get an answer from INS, i guess they were not nice to me because i some topics i read that sometimes school will let get away with it.
i do not know what to do, waiting for an answer now, not too much hopes. what are other ways?
please help!
thanks alot.

18-Feb-2001 02:40 PM
 Re: Please, Please Help! Out of F1 status! waiting for an answer from INS
Now you just have to wait for the INS to answer. I heard that INS is pretty openminded about reinstatement because they like honesty. If your DSO supports your application for reinstatement, INS usually trusts your advisor's judgement. I think you did the right thing applying for reinstatement because being out of status would not get you far anyway. You would have to say good bye to OPT, work visa, or future applications for green card through employment. INS would dig out that you were out of status because they simply ask you to submit transcripts from any school you attended in the US. And if you ever saw a transcript it is clear on it when and for how many classes you were registered every semester.Good Luck!

18-Feb-2001 07:50 PM
 Re: Please, Please Help! Out of F1 status! waiting for an answer from INS
I agree with Anna that you did a good thing to file to INS for reinstatement because sooner or later INS will know that you did not attend school. i guess you just need to wait for an answer from them. you were asking if you should still work, i am not sure what to say, you have a valid working permit, so why not to work , but on another hand it is not good to show to INS that you still work, if you still wanna work ask the place where you work if they can pay you under the table.

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