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23-Mar-2002 10:58 PM
  Can I come back from Canada?
My f-1 visa has expired already. But I want to go to Canada in May. Before, if I have my I-20 and my valid passport, I could come back to the US. However, I heard there are some new rules about this issue. (but I don't know what exact it says) The new rules starts from April.1 2002. Under the new rule, I may not come back from Canada after my US visa has already expired. In that case, I need to get a new US visa from Canada,but I know as the third country citizen, I can't get new f-1 visa(in case my visa is expired)from Canada now. So my question is: What is the new rule about? And can I still come back from Canada? Thank you very much.

24-Mar-2002 04:25 PM
 Re: Can I come back from Canada?
The April first rule basically says that you will not automatically be granted readmission if your visa application in Canada was denied. Therefor you should be prepared for the possiblity that you may have to go home from Canada, renew your visa and then return from the US.

If you've been studying and everything's in order, you should get he stamp. Even if your denied the visa, there's a possiblity that you'll be allowed to re-enter at the border. But the new rule basically say not to expect it.

Good luck

26-Mar-2002 11:00 PM
 Re: Can I come back from Canada?
I had almost the same problem. I had my visa in status, same with I-20, i just went to visit my aunt for 3 weeks and was told that i can do that for less then 30 days without getting any papers. All i needed is a signature from advisor at school on the back of I-20. Well, guess what.I ended paying extra 110 dollars for a special canadian visitor visa after i arrived plus penalties that i didnt have it.YOu have to make sure that a country you are from doesnt need a canadian visa to get in.Even only for a day. Then they just gave me a stamp to my passport and i had no troubles coming back once i had my student visa OK.If you have that in status, you can come to US anytime.

27-Mar-2002 04:34 AM
 Re: Can I come back from Canada?
As Brian has mentioned, according to the new rule, you CAN'T get visa from the third country anymore. You HAVE to have your visa from your country of origin.

As your visa has expired, you will need new visa to enter USA. So be prepared. Good luck.

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