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20-Jan-2001 01:13 AM
  awaiting for EAD but got an offer
I finished my undergrad this month, and got a job offer which wants me to work in 2 weeks. But my EAD card will be available in March. Could I ask INS to accelerate process or provide any proof that my EAD is in process? also will company take the proof document?


20-Jan-2001 05:03 AM
 Re: awaiting for EAD but got an offer
I had a similar situation. Remember: you CANNOT start working at your job if you do not have your EAD card. You must get your EAD card first.

What you need to do is to call your INS Service Center where you filed your EAD application. You will have to stay on the line for awhile (probably for 30 min) and then eventually you will get through to a live person. Tell them that you've been offered a job but you cannot accept it until you got your EAD card. Then tell them that you would like to put in a request to expedite your application. They will probably give you a direct fax number to fax your request to expedite. If not, ask for one. (Perhaps you want to write down the name of the person you were speaking with on the phone.)

Then fax the request, wait a couple days and give them a call again. Tell them that 'the person you spoke with' before (give them the name) told you to fax the request to expedite, etc. and that you wanted to know how soon your application will be processed.

The situation that you are in can be pretty frustrating. But you just have to bug them and get them to expedite your applciation!

22-Jun-2001 07:47 PM
 Re: awaiting for EAD but got an offer
Is there any way you can start working there without any payment now and not take your paychecks before you get the EAD? If so, do it. You can talk to your work. It depends on the size of the company. Small companies can be approached. In that way, after you get the EAD, they can pay you the amount as signing bonus and relocation money.

Also, 90 days after applying for EAD (if u stilldon't have it), you can ask INS and they send you a temporary thing that works as EAD card. I know poeple requesting it and starting working with that thing.

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