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07-Aug-2000 12:35 AM
  Help On Proving You Will Return (Not Immigrate to USA)
My friend has been denied an F1 visa from the embassy in Mexico City. All of his papers are in order including the financial and university acceptance, etc. He wishes to study English in the United States at a Junior College so that he may go back and get a job at a multi-national company in Mexico. I'm willing to help via paying his expenses and provide
room and board here in the USA which I've stated in a letter. He was denied the visa the first time since they wanted a letter from me (in addition to the papers I originally signed) stating why a non-relative would sponsor him. The second time (last week) they denied his F1 (and took away his Tourist Visa) since they felt he was only coming to the USA to immigrate.
I've suggested that he see a lawyer for help but in the interim does anyone have any suggestions as to what type of information you could provide
displaying that you would return. He has a good job but will be leaving that to study full-time and family in Mexico City. I'm surprised that they took his tourist visa away but I suppose that was a precaution so that he does not leave the country. School is ready to begin i September. Any help from people that have been in the same position would be appreciated.

08-Aug-2000 02:27 PM
 Re: Help On Proving You Will Return (Not Immigrate to USA)
I've seen your message here and on newsgroups but I hoped somone had a better answer than I have.

There's no magic soluion, really. He should try again and present new evidence of his ties to Mexico. It shouldn't contradict the old evidence he presented. Not an easy thing to do to begin with, that's why it would have been better to change his status from the US.

Try getting a job offer. Maybe his company can give him one. It's better be related to his field of studies. In any case he should bring a letter from his job saying he worked for them many years and intends to return. Bring some proof of him working there.

Bring some proof of his family finances, even if he's not intending to use them to finance his studies ( which would be a better idea if he did it the first time). Bring letters from his family members asking the consulate for assistance and stating he intends to return. If his family is middle class and up - prove that.

If someone from his family studied in the US and returned - show some proof.

If his family owns a business or real estate - prove it.

If this fails he could try later on to get into an English program in a better college - if I understand you correctly he wants to go to a Community College, and the Consulate may think he's just using the cheapest school to get into the US.

Still, I think his chances are slim, considering he's from Mexico. I don't think changing his status from the US wouldn't be doing the right thing - it's perfectly legal and acceptable.

Maybe some "international education professional" can help us out here? I know they are reading this.

08-Aug-2000 05:11 PM
 Re: Help On Proving You Will Return (Not Immigrate to USA)
A good consulate officer assumes that each inidividual walking into his office is going to immigrate to the U.S. This is standard procedure for all American Consulates. It is the responsiblity of the applicant to prove that he has strong enough ties to his homeland to want to return. This would include but not limited to: real estate, bank accounts, relatives, children and or spouse (remianing in native country), employment. No one piece of evidence is enough, in many cases. The more evidence you have to prove your intent to return to your native country the better. Try being creative.

The prospective student should not reapply for an F-1 visa unless he can provide new and substantial evidence indicating his intent to return.

11-Aug-2000 01:26 AM
 Re: Help On Proving You Will Return (Not Immigrate to USA)
Thank you very, very much for taking the time to reply to my original message. My frend has a computer and has looked at your advise and will act on it. Again, the time you took to help is very much appreciated.

Waterford, Michigan

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