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11-Apr-2001 04:31 AM
  reinstatement in process: i want to leave US to get visa and come back
If I leave US to go to my homecoutry to get F1 visa with new I-20 and my reinstatement papers in process, would American embbasy be able to see that i am out of status, but i will have proof that i am full time student right now. Will i have some kind of problems getting visa without waiting an answer from INS first?
what are your suggestions? should i wait till INS give me an answer? what if they will decline me, am i gonna have more trouble living the US and trying to get new visa and come here again?

thank you very much
it's a great board, i am glad i found it.

11-Apr-2001 08:00 PM
 Re: reinstatement in process: i want to leave US to get visa and come back
The US embassy or consulate official (with the State Department) would probably not make the connection between you and an application for reinstatement with INS. You may still have troubles getting a new visa, though, as some U.S. embassies and consulates are more difficult to work with than others. In leaving, you always take a chance that they won't give you a new visa, but that is not likely to have anything to do with your reinstatement application.

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