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04-Apr-2001 11:26 AM
  working while studying....

I m going to go to the community college of las vegas very soon and i know i can only work 20 hours a week on campus.... Does anyone has an idea on how much you can make working those hours? Also does anyone here know if it is very hard to find a job in a bar or restaurant in vegas? i heard there is a lot of regulations in this city and that it is harder than in los angeles or new york... ANY FEEDBACK to give me? What else besides retaurants and bars do you think I should try to make some extras? i have the feeling that those 20 hours on campus wont pay the bills... THANKS


07-Apr-2001 03:30 AM
 Re: working while studying....
Students who work in a computer lab in my school get payed $15 an hour minus tax. Students working in the admissions office get $12 per hour. It's in NY.

It's often hard to get a job on-campus. I think you shouldn't count on it.

By the way in the summer you can wor on-campus full-time, if you can find somewhere to work.

If you work for small contractors doing manual labor they often don't care if you are legal or not. Construction, deliveries, moving... That kind of stuff.

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 4-7-2001 03:03 ]

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