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26-Sep-2001 03:24 PM
  Please help quick!
I have a major problem here ...My girlfriend is here on a visitors visa , she has been here for 6months well at least four more days until... So she went to a school and they accepted her to enroll but she needs to pay the initial fees and prove the bank statement... However she is having difficulty in getting the bankstatement and cash fast enough. Her I94 is going to expire in four days .

What can she do? will they boot her out if her I94 expires ,can she still get the i20 even if her I94 expires? Please help I will appreciate any assistance and advice.

Thank you

28-Sep-2001 04:51 AM
 Re: Please help quick!
All she has to do is to talk with intl. students office of the school (there should be one, or a person in chrage) asap, and describe the problem honestly in all gory detail. They can help immediately
Don't worry, this should be no problem. Just act fast.

04-Oct-2001 05:44 PM
 Re: Please help quick!
It is a major problem. She needs to apply for a change of status before her I-94 expires. Try getting a sponsor for her who would give her an affidavit of support along with his bank statement.

Once her I-94 expired she is illegal in this country. INS will not kick her out since they are busy doing other things but she will have a major problem reentering the US if she ever leaves. She will not be allowed back in for 5 or 10 years unless she changes identity. She will not be able to change her status to F-1 or anything else. She can wait for an amnesty for illegals.

On a brighter note many colleges, especially public ones, offer resident (cheap) tuition to illegal aliens. She would have to show them her expired I-94 as a proof of her being illegal.

She could also apply for a tourist status extention but I guess I'm too late with the answer anyway.

14-Oct-2001 11:46 AM
 Re: Please help quick!
Ok thanx, what is this about amnesty being granted? I am told that many schools overlook it if your I94 has expired ,as long as they see money on the table?

14-Oct-2001 07:29 PM
 Re: Please help quick!
Many schools do not care to enroll illegal aliens. Public schools are explicitly prohibited from discriminating students based on their immigration status.

In some cases it's even possible for illegals to get resident tuition (which is not normally available to F-1 students). An illegal alien student is not really treated as a foreign student - she doesn't have to deal with the international students office and all of that. One problem she may run into is not being able to work legally if her school program requires some kind of paid internship - in this case she may not be allowed to take that program.

American government was known to grant some kind of amnesty to illegal aliens every several years. There's no guarantee they will do it in the future. Also sometimes they pass a limited law making it possible for sertain kinds of illegal aliens to apply for residency - last year's LIFE act is an example. Given the circomstances I woldn't expect any laws that benefit illegal aliens any time soon.

16-Oct-2001 05:15 AM
 Re: Please help quick!
Out-of-status students are generally mentioned as undocumented students. recently, the governor of California signed a bill to make in-state tuition and federal financial aid available to undocumented students. This is a positive thing for undocumented students to prepare themselves as more useful person to the US society (they gave that reason).

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