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11-Apr-2001 04:37 AM
  who is waiting for reinstatement? (let's exchange the knowledge we have)
I saw alot of posts on this board: reinstatement.
how many people are waiting for an answer from INS? who already got an answer? how long have you been waiting? what are the reasons you got out of status?

let's exchange the knowledge and experience about getting reinstated.
hope to see replies

11-Apr-2001 04:42 AM
 Re: who is waiting for reinstatement? (let's exchange the knowledge we have)
I file to INS for reinstatement more than 2 month ago and i have not heard from them yet. the reason i lost my status is financial difficulties, could not pay for school. my reason is not good but i could not do anything about it and i did not go back to my home country, well, everybody make mistakes.

Kila what is your situation?

29-Apr-2001 09:52 PM
 Re: who is waiting for reinstatement? (let's exchange the knowledge we have)
I filed for reinstatemen at the beginning of February, and I received the answer 6 weeks later. My application was approved and now I am reinstated and back in status.
I was out of statues for two semesters because I did not register full time. I was misadviced to take less classes in order to adjust to new school.
I had many people (including lawyers) telling me that I should not take the risk and aplly for reinstatement. However I did not listen and took a chance. It was worth it. As long as you honest, and have support of your DSO on reinstatement application you should be OK.

29-Apr-2001 09:54 PM
 Re: who is waiting for reinstatement? (let's exchange the knowledge we have)
Just for statistics, which state are you in?

30-Apr-2001 03:09 PM
 Re: who is waiting for reinstatement? (let's exchange the knowledge we have)
Oregon State

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