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18-Oct-2001 03:44 PM
  ** Bank account & credit card **
zore >>------------>
I would assume most major banks in MO would issue you an account immediately, but what about a credit card??

Any replies would be greatly appreciated!

18-Oct-2001 03:57 PM
 Re: ** Bank account & credit card **
zore >>------------>
I know most international/big banks will issue new clients a credit card straight away if the client shows a letter from his/her previous bank stating that they are a good (credit) customer, would this help in MO?

20-Oct-2001 12:30 AM
 Re: ** Bank account & credit card **
To tell you the truth I'm a bit suspicious about this flood of questions. If you want meaningful answers you probably have to ask in a less aggressive way.

Generally you need a social security number to get a credit card. To get a good credit card you'd need a good credit history that you'd have to build over time. Unless you are very rich, of course - then you could invest a significant amount of money somewere and get some special treatment.

If you are not very rich then most international banks in the US will act as if they don't know you even if you have an account with them in another country - it happened to me personally and to several students I know. A foreign student who has a valid student ID and a letter from an international student advisor can open a bank account relatively easily.

And of course there are always people who will "help" you to get a license, bank account and so forth for a fee.

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