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19-May-2002 12:58 AM
  grad school
tricky situation...i am expecting to go to grad school for the fall semester, the problem is with the I-20. my major professor already promised a position for TA/RA so i have no financial obligations. my current I-20 has expired and i've left for the summer. the problem is, although he said i'm guaranteed the position(verbal commitment) i still haven't had the formal acceptance letter yet and thus no I-20 and I NEED TO GET BACK FOR THE FALL SEMESTER. i tried to take care of it before i left but they have been so slow with the processing..what the hell am i supposed to do!?!?!

20-May-2002 03:30 PM
 Re: grad school
As with your I-20, I think, your visa has also expired. I think, in your case, you will need the formal acceptence letter and the new I-20 from your school, and then you will have to stand for your F-1 visa.

20-May-2002 04:50 PM
 Re: grad school
...what if i get a B-2 to get back in and then adjust status to F-1 while taking classes if i don't get the new I-20 in time??

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