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This is online community of international students studying in the USA.
The site where students help students to survive and thrive during their stay in America.
International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Help Community Post new topic
28-Jan-2001 02:36 AM
  "Word-of-mouth" - submit your story
OK, I admit our "Word-of-mouth" section didn't work. We still think it's a good idea.

It's built for you. We want to publish your stories there. I think if each one of you writes a story about being a student in the USA and we organize your stories into a database everyone will benefit. We will learn from each other. is a small team of foreign students. Our knowledge is limited. We think that if all of us, including you, combine our knowledge and information we can be very strong. We can be stronger than the INS, the lawyers, the schools.

So tell everybody about your personal experience. It can be anything, as long as it's about study in the USA.

Don't worry about your English - we make grammar mistakes ouselves. We can run a spell-check for you if you want.

Don't make it too long - let it fit on a webpage. If you have a lot to tell - write several separate pages and submit them separately.

You can e-mail it to or submit a form at

Schillaci, thanks for the first story.

[ This message was edited by: webmaster on: 1-25-2001 02:50 ]

[ This message was edited by: Webmaster on: 1-25-2001 05:14 ]

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