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13-May-2001 06:52 AM
  working out of the campus with fake papers
ze fox
here is a question some of us might answer. i m a student here and somebody proposed to sell me a fake social security number along with a fake green card. he says i can work in any restaurant without a problem with it . i saw his own papers and it looks exactly like real ones , i just plan to change my first name, like instead of saying christophe, i m gonna write christopher and of course my familly name, just because i plan to get a real green card later and i dont want to get caught. if i use it do u think i might get caught? and if yes how? i dont see how i can get in trouble unless the ins shows up directly at work? am i right? i know millions of people from south america do it here where i live and they are fine so i think well .. why not me? any advice?
thanks !!!!

18-May-2001 06:47 PM
 Re: working out of the campus with fake papers
I believe you can get away with using illegal papers as long as you work temporarily and don't give your employer any of your real information, like your address and driving licence. My coworker once gave to her previous employer a fake social security number and several months later social security administration contacted her and demanded an explanation. She wasn't careful and gave her employer her real name and address. Last time I saw her she was planning to consult a lawyer about this. I don't know what the penalty is for fake papers.

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