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30-Aug-2000 02:58 PM
  need help
im 16 year old high school student
i lwould to come in the state as an exchange student but i dont know what to do .
i send already an email but nobody answer me i hope this timw someone will answer me
im a good student
all i need is some contact
i hope hear from you soon

30-Aug-2000 03:04 PM
 Re: need help
Start with a web search of schools with the type of academic program that you want to persue. Then go the the web site for each of those schools. Link to the admissions office, or to int'l. admissions, if they have a link for that.

Send an e-mail to the admissions person noted within several such sites. They should be able to get you started, and otherwise provide information about the relevant visa-related paperwork.

Good luck.

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