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16-Feb-2001 09:52 AM
  what do i do
im currently studying a national diploma in public services in england. my 2 year course ends in 4 months time. i want to go and study in america but i havn't got a clue where to start. i know i need a f1 visa. can anyone please give me some info on what to do. much appreciated for any replies.

26-Feb-2001 07:56 PM
 Re: what do i do
Here's how it's done:

1. Find a school that will accept you. The school must be authorized to issue an I-20 form to foreign students (most colleges and universities are). Follow their admission instructions.

2. If the school accepts you they will ask you to present some proof of finances (~20,000 or more), yours or your sponsor's (parents').

3. After that the school sends you an I-20 form with which you go to an American Consulate or Embassy. Normally you should apply from your home country. If you are not British the Consulate in England may agree to accept your application in case you are still a student there. You have to bring a bunch of other documents including OF-156 form (+ proof of finances, affidavit of support) ties to your home country, letters from relatives and sponsors and so on).

The admission process in some schools may take a long time, up to more than a year.

Another way to become a student is to come on a different visa and change your status here.

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