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25-Jul-2000 07:58 PM
  which major is the most popular one?
I intend to go to States with a B-2 visa and study in a community college, then try to transfer to a 4-years college to obtain bachelor degree. After that I will try to stay and work illegally. In this case, which major is the easies one for me to get an illegally job?

26-Jul-2000 04:18 AM
 Re: which major is the most popular one?
Dude, if you can get a bachelors degree you won't have to work illegally. Here's what you should do:

On B-2 visa you can stay for 6 months and then extend it for 6 more months. Make sure you don't overstay your B-2. You can go to an ESL school for a couple of months to keep your status. During this year you find your community college and work illegally to save money, if you have to. Change your status to F-1 with an I-20 from your college.

After your community college transfer to a 4-year college. By the way if you are out of status (illegal) you probably won't be able to get into a 4-year college. So stay in status. Get a BA degree. Get 1 year of practical training (it's easy, everybody can do it). During your practical training try to find a company that's going to sponsor you for an H-1 working visa.

Best thing to study is probably IT (information technology) or computer science - they hire a lot of foreigners.

Best place to find work for foreigners is New York City, definitely. It's expensive to live here, though.

18-Jul-2005 05:45 AM
 Re: which major is the most popular one?
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