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11-Dec-2000 08:13 PM
  OPT question
I aplied an OPT one monthe ago, but INS later asked me to send a copy of ALL my previous I-20s to them(I have couple transfers), what does that mean? As I know they only need my current I-20.

12-Dec-2000 01:05 AM
 Re: OPT question
Probably the first thing they want to figure out is if
you did OPTor CPT at any other school. The other
thing they're looking for is whether you've
transfered in a timely manner (this year's issue at
the INS). They've been cracking down on the 60
day rule a lot this year.

You probably don't have anything to worry about. If
you haven't done OPT before and you're sure that
you transfered schools in a timely manner, you
should be OK. There's not much else you can do
but wait.

Good luck.

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