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04-Sep-2001 11:37 PM
  urgent reply needed
naven kathuroju
I have got into the US on the I-20 of one university,and now without registering and that university I want to get into another university.
Do I have to stay in the university on whose name I have got the F-1 visa, for atleast one quarter or is that not required??will I be deported if I do so??
I am in a dilemma and need urgent guidance.

please suggest me at the earliest.
thank you,
naven kathuroju.

17-Sep-2001 02:19 AM
 Re: urgent reply needed
Hi Naven,

The school which granted you the I-20 on which you entered will need to approve the transfer before you can attend your new school. It's completely up to the school on whose I-20 you entered. Some schools are strict and other's don't care.

If the school won't let you transfer without studying for one academic period AND you decide to study at another school you will be out of status and will need to apply for reinstatement. You will not be deported but you won't be here lawfully until your reinstatement is approved.

Good luck,


23-Sep-2001 04:38 AM
 Re: urgent reply needed
Dude, Brian is right of course. I only would like to add that I've heard on TV that one of the WTC attackers entered the US on a student visa and never showed up for studies. So expect the regulations to get stricter, be careful. Take one semester and then transfer.

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