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11-Aug-2000 07:36 PM
  Old credits
I am sorry I have a very long question. Maybe someone could answer part of it.

I am an in-status continuing education student. I think of transferring to a college to grt a degree.

I attended Moscow State University (MGU) in 1988-1990. I was expelled for "academic reasons" after 2 years. There were some ideological reasons too, but I can't prove it. 5 months later I immigrated to Israel and lived there since.

Last year I contacted CUNY center office about a possibility of admission. I was told I will be considered a transfer student and I will have to present transcripts. I told them I didn't want to be a transfer students and I'm not interested in taking credit for my studies in Moscow. They told me these are the regulations. They refused to accept notorized copies and translations of my transcripts that my parents sent me. I had to sent 2 forms to Moscow requesting my transcripts to be sent directly to CUNY. Moscow U contacted my parents who still live in Russia and told them they gave me the transcripts after I was expelled (they did). My parents tried to explain the situation, but they told me school representative was very surprised.

I didn't contact CUNY later because I decided to take CE courses. Moscow U may have sent CUNY the transcripts, but I don't know about it.


Can I take credit for a school I was expelled from 11 years ago? It's a good school.

Most of my credits are in mathematics and I'm not interested in it now. I almost completed 2 years and had good scores, but in Russia you have to study minimum 5 years to get a degree. How would it qualify?

Do I have to try again to make them send my transcripts directly to America? It looks like it's not a standerd procedure there.

Shold I contact "credit evaluation" agencies?

Thank you.

25-Aug-2000 11:58 PM
 Re: Old credits
Your credits are valid for 10 years on the East coast. But this information is pretty old even I'm not sure it's right info.

I think you can try to transfer using the credits that you have. Don't tell the office that your credits is 11 years ago because they sometime don't check. I mean even if your credits are not valid anymore, sometimes you can get through.

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