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11-May-2002 07:58 AM
  from High School to College - F!
Hello ...
My mom is a studer here in US and her status is F1. My status is F2 because I'm a dependent. I don't have a Social Security (since I can't get one).
Now ... my mom is planning back to go back to homeland for good since she finish with her study. I wanted to stay here for college (I'm graduating this year [2002]). But the problem is the financial problem. Because they wanted more money from International Student rather than resident.
Is there anyway that I can go to college here without having paying those huge amount of money and still be legal? I'm also trying to find a way to get my social security so I can work during the summer!

Please email me / chat with me ==>


29-May-2002 07:47 PM
 Re: from High School to College - F!
I hope you are aware that as soon as your mom leaves USA your F-2 will be terminated. You shall change your status to F-1 ASAP.

After receiving F-1 status , you shall try to request an on-campus permit from the school you attend and apply a SSN with the authorized permit from school.

Good Luck!

03-Jun-2002 10:37 PM
 Re: from High School to College - F!

The university that I attend is very affordable. All Minnesota state universities offer resident tuition to international students under some conditions... It's cold in here though!

At Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, on the second semester, international students are able to pay resident tuition if they maintain a 2.5 GPA and do 30 hours per semester of volunteer work (which is easy to find...)
So, for example, from the second semester on, international students pay about $1300.00 for 12 credits including fees............ So, it's very affordable comparing to most universities. On the first semester, however, student must pay $221.39 per credit, which is $2656.00.

Let me know if you would like more information.

Here is the site of the university: For international students admission, click on:

Best of luck!

03-Jun-2002 10:38 PM
 Re: from High School to College - F!
Forgot to leave my e-mail address:

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