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30-Nov-2000 09:45 PM
  Optional practical training ?
The INS verify your work history before autorize for OPT? Can I get OPT if I used before my SS number for work without autorization?

01-Dec-2000 11:12 AM
 Re: Optional practical training ?
INS generally takes it on faith that when the int'l. student advisor signs the application forms with you for OPT, you're eligible for OPT. They check to make sure the forms are filled out correctly, but assume your advisor is honest is stating that you're eligible.

The statement on your social security card only means that the SS card itself is not the basis for your employment eligibility. You'd need a work permit issued by INS (in this case for OPT) in order to be eligible to accept employment.

01-Dec-2000 09:00 PM
 Re: Optional practical training ?
Lin Tian
The issue here is not the DSO's certification of eligibility. The INS is aware that DSO's are limited to what type of information that they posses- students work illegally unbeknownst to the DSO and are stilled considered to be maintaining their status. Currently the INS and IRS are automating a system that would make it possible for INS to quickly check the employment history of an F-1 nonimmigrant. If you have been illegally employed and used your SS card to fill out an I-9, you are running the risk of being caught by INS when you apply for employment authorization. Also, not all SS cards issued to F-1 students have the special stamp stating that this does not authorize them for employment.

26-Apr-2001 03:42 PM
 Re: Optional practical training ?
What if the employer doesn't ask to fill out the I-9?

Does the INS check just the I-9 -s?

What if somebody had autorization when he or she filled out the I-9 and didn't stop to work at the end of the autorization?

27-Apr-2001 03:56 PM
 Re: Optional practical training ?
you have to fill out I 9 form

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