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27-May-2002 09:55 AM
  could this be true?
I recently heard of a case of this student who has been in school here in the u.s. and has maintained his internation student status but worked illegally (like most of us do).

The guy decided to visit home and on his return to the u.s. his social security number was screened, (at the port of entry) and they found out he had been working illegally.

Even though he had met his other obligations as an international student, they informed him that they would not allow him back in as he worked illegally.

Could this be true? does it mean that international students should not dare to travel back home if they have been working illegally?

Can anyone validate this report?

29-May-2002 01:47 AM
 Re: could this be true?
Hey Curious, i read your message about the SSC screening and realized I might have the same problem.I'm currently in the United States on a J1 visa( practical training)and I'm only allowed to have one job but in fact I have 2.I'm going to my country in a couple of days to apply for a F1 visa since I got accepted to University here. I thought I won't have a problem coming back because I still have a couple of months on my recent visa and my IAP66 is signed by my sponsoring organization but do you think they can find out from checking my SSC? Please, let me know what you think! Regards! Wanderer

29-May-2002 06:00 AM
 Re: could this be true?
well... it all ture guys! on 24th a fiend of mine who was here on F-1 visa, attenting college full time. but was woking in a gas station. INS along with FBI agents came, raided his house, found his payslips, which were of course under the table, found out his bank statements (where he was depositing his salary) went through is computer and eventualy arrested him. thats really scary. i wish him all the best of luck!

29-May-2002 07:14 PM
 Re: could this be true?
One of my friends from work was also detained at airport and sent back to Brazil last week because they found out his has been working illegally for last three years in USA.

I just heard that US government is going to allocate an additional 200 million dollars in arresting illegal non-residents and INS is hiring additional 8000 INS agents and officers all over the country to reinforce the effort!

The golden days for international students to work illegally in USA is over !

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