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12-Jun-2002 07:51 PM
  OPT applying
I am an exchange sudent, and I finish my school last may.
I want to work at here, so I'll apply for OPT.
isn't it too late?
my F-i visa will expire at end of july.
I heard that it takes 90 days for getting OPT.
If i can apply for OPT now, can I visit my country during processing?
anybody know about that?
please help me.
thank you

15-Jun-2002 09:54 PM
 Re: OPT applying
Same Here
The situation is a bit different here.
I-20 expired by the 31st of May 2002.
F-1 Visa expried a long time ago.
Completed all course works, but still have to
write thesis.
Am I eligible for OPT?

18-Jun-2002 12:45 PM
 Re: OPT applying
As the law stands now you can apply for OPT in the 60 day grace period after succeful completion of your studies (except at ESL schools). This is one rule that will change at the end of the year.

As far as going home, schools have different opinions about what the tell students to do. A few years ago the INS considered leaving the country after you graduate and before you start OPT to be "abandoning" your petition. Students were denied re-entry on their F-1 and lost their chance to do OPT. But recently some INS districts said they don't consider this abandonment and I've spoken with students who said that the INS didn't even ask to see the EAD.

So it's a risk. I don't recommend that you travel during that period. If you do, you should be prepared for the possiblity of having trouble at the border.

As far as waiting to submit your thesis, you are permitted to work full-time in the period after you finish classes and before you present. However, you need to be pretty sure of your thesis date. You are only allowed to do pre-completion OPT until you submit your thesis and must begin POST completion afterward. That means two different petitions. Talk to your advisor.

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