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31-Oct-2000 02:03 AM
  Getting a green card fast!??
My dad's just got married (real marriage) to an american woman, he's applying and doin all the paper work to obtain his green card, as well as for my sister (12) and me (19). My question is if I'm still able to be part of the automatic process of the g.card. I heard that it would take me btwn 4-5 yrs, because i'm over 18yrs of age. Is that true??
I can't wait that long, I'll be already 21, and then forget about it, i don't even count. Is there any way we can get this process to last less than 3 yrs?
If not, what other choices do i have?? I need advice on this one please......i'm even thinking of getting married, but that's seems complicated too
reply asap, thanks!!

31-Oct-2000 05:57 AM
 Re: Getting a green card fast!??
I think your information is incorrect. I think you will get your Green Card the same time as your father as long as you're under 21, and not 18. (But I'm not 100% sure about that).

What I am sure about: Even if you're over 21, you will be able to apply under the Family 2B catagory, the current wait is about 6 years.

Sincerely, Babak

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