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06-May-2002 08:20 AM
  Dude! Do you know where i could buy GC?
i met this guy surfing on the internet who offerd me to buy a GC for $1500...its not official but still it works when ure looking for a job!
so i was wondering if theres anyone who got one for himself and im just curious how did it work!?

BTW im looking for a girl in the USA!
email me @

06-May-2002 06:57 PM
 Re: Dude! Do you know where i could buy GC?
I saw a couple of Green Cards, made by Mexican brothers
in New York.
Those green cards just look like green card, but if someone will check them , he will find out that it's a fake.
So if you will show this green card to your employer,
there is low chance that he will check it with INS.
That's the way it's gonna work.
At least I think so....

08-May-2002 12:35 AM
 Re: Dude! Do you know where i could buy GC?
yeah, but you can get caught easily then you will be fucked.....

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