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25-Dec-2001 11:56 AM
  credit card problem
Actually, i got a credit now, it's secured credit card. But before i got it, i tried to apply for other credit card companies...but they declined me. So did i make myself a bad credit history because of this? I am so worried about my credit history coz i am gonna buy a car.

26-Dec-2001 03:35 AM
 Re: credit card problem
Try not to worry. I doubt applying for credit in itself would give you bad credit, but even if it did, all you can really do now is go try to buy that car that you want and see what happens.

Good luck.

27-Dec-2001 06:44 PM
 Re: credit card problem
I used to work for a bank that financed credit cards. Generally, just because you've been turned down, shouldn't effect your credit. The only one that should have record of that, would be the bank or company you applied to. Secured cards are the way many people establish credit - it's like a pre paid calling card. Try getting a check card from your bank - they act as debit cards but have a VISA logo and help you establish credit. (First Union offers this service).

If you want to check your credit, you can apply for a copy of your TRW (credit report). Look on the web for how to get one. You'll have to pay a small fee for it.

Good luck

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