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27-Jun-2002 11:26 AM
  tax refunds
Hi, how will I get about organising my tax return? I worked off campus on F1 Visa and paid tax. I am coming back home now and want to get it back. Any suggestions?

27-Jun-2002 04:00 PM
 Re: tax refunds
How could u work off campus while on F1 visa? and on top of that you payed tax??

28-Jun-2002 04:20 AM
 Re: tax refunds
First of all you were supposed to file your tax return sometime in april, if you haven't - you made a mistake. You may have been eligible for a refund under certain circumstances. I got most of my money back this year because of a tax treaty, but I won't get anything next year for instance.

Now, from your home country you would need to pay some professional accountants to do it retroactively for you. has a link to one company that claims they can do it - I can't tell you if they are any good.

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