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21-Mar-2002 12:47 AM
  Please help
It's me again.
I am studying at a US college right now. And I am going to transfer to another school. After I got the new I-20, can I get the new visa from inside of the US? Because I want to go back home in the summer, so I have to go to the embassy and do the interview again I am thinking if I can get the new visa inside the US before I go back home. That would be easlier for me. But I don't know if it is possible or not. Thank you very much. Please help.

21-Mar-2002 01:42 PM
 Re: Please help
Students don't need a new visa after transfering schools. You may only renew the visa AFTER it's expired and only outside the US.

Even if the visa has expired, you are permitted to study. The next time you leave the US to go home, then you can get a new visa stamp.

That's about it. Even though your visa has the name of your old school on it, its still a valid visa unless it's expired. I know it's confusing. Good luck.

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