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17-Aug-2001 02:50 PM
  How easy it is to reenter with a new I 20
Hello Friends and fellow internationals

Please help me with your wealth of information. Please also include your contact address and id. You never know we might be close by and may get to become good friends

I am on School X visa in the US (having just entered for Fall 2001 and not attended the school as yet). I want to switch to school Y.

The advisor at X has advised me to go out of the country to Canada / Mexico / London / home and get the immigration officials at the port to stamp my new School Y visa and also to issue a new I94 (departure record) card to me with a new number.

So please let me know the following

Would it be easy to do so?
Any tips or line of persuasion to be taken with the immigration official?
Information (or link to where info is) about his guidelines/discretion in the matter?
Does it matter whether I go to Canada/London/Home?
Would I need visa if I go to Canada, London (rather than home) assuming that waiting period in Canada / London does not matter at all?
Very importantly, have you or someone you know done this before. Please give me contact information.

Thanks a lot for the help

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