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14-Jan-2001 12:09 AM
I was in a Community College for 3 years.I was always in good status. I have not lost my student status.About 6 months ago i transfered to an Univerity. Now I am full time student with F-1 status at the University.And i would like to apply for work permit becuase of my sponsor's economic hardships. Do you guys think that I would be eligible for that? and now i am in my Junior years, i hope to complete my study within 4 semesters.

And one more thing, I would really like to appreciate your informative web-site which i could find after serfing 5 hours Which i have found totally informative for foreign students like us, Because we are treated really bad in America, financially.

15-Jan-2001 04:24 AM
 Re: transfer
It depends on your ability to prove your sponsor's financial problems. You have to get some documents proving that there was a serious change in your sponsor's financial situation. The change should be "unexpected" and "beyound student's control". It could be due to the currency changes, medical expences, natural desasters etc.

Since you had to provide some proof of finances when you were transferring to your University this change in your sponsor's situation should be fairly recent, less then 6 months ago. Get a letter from your sponsor (notorized if possible) as well.

You have a chance of getting a working permit if you get all the papers. You'll need some help from your international advisor, too. You can get a working permit for 12 months.

Good luck with this.

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