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24-May-2001 04:54 AM
  INS in San Francisco!
Have anybody on this board applied to INS in San Francisco. I have read that some people are waiting for an answer from INS for a very long time. I am in the same shoes. I applied for reinstatement in December 2000 and i have not heard from them at all, but the money order that i sent to them has been cleared. What to do? any advises?
Thanks alot.

26-May-2001 02:06 AM
 Re: INS in San Francisco!
Apparently INS is flooded with Section 245(i) applicans this year and they are waaaay backlogged. You are OK, you are in status until they reply.

P.S. Stay away from the Mexican border. One student got arrested there last year. She was in your situation - waiting for INS reply. INS just stopped her on the street. She spent a week in detention...

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