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22-Jun-2001 03:32 PM
  does anyone know alot about I-20s??
ok im getting a work permit because of financial hardship and i read at a website that i have to get a new I-20 if i am gonna travel outside the U.S??? i hadnt heard about this---what does it have to say??? and if i havent gotten my permit yet---can i travel outside the U.S or will i have to start everything again??


22-Jun-2001 09:43 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
Kar, i could not find that you need a new I 20 if you decide to travel outside USA on that web site that you gave.
YOU don't need new I 20 to travel outside USA ( you do have a valid I 20 right?). School give you only one
I-20, unless you lost it or you need to prolong your study time, that's when you will need new I 20. When you plan to leave USA, make sure that you go to your school registar and have him/her to sign it, his/her signature valid for one year, so if you are planing to leave USA again for example 6 month later, you don't need signature. But i would recomend to sign it everytime you leave USA ( if you are planing to come back under the same I 20)
Your working permit has nothing to do with traveling, and it is better if you will not mention in immigration that you are planing to work.

22-Jun-2001 09:58 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
I found it
" Economic necessity work permission is difficult to obtain, since as an international student, you must have proven that you are in good financial standing before obtaining your student visa. Also, if you travel outside the U.S. after this work permission has been approved, the INS will require a new I-20 to be issued to show the change in your financial resources. "
I said earlier that you do not need new I 20, this is the first time i hear that you need new I 20, maybe it is new rules, i don't know. I think you should call to INS and talk to them and be safe that sorry.
But half a year ago I traveled outside US and at the same time i had working permit and also got out of status and i had no problem coming back to US, the only problem i am having now is reinstating because i missed one semester of school. and also while my aplication was pending i went to my home country for 2 month and come back and it was no problem.
By the way when you get an answer from INS , please post an answer on this board.Thanks

25-Jun-2001 02:30 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
ok i will post my response when i get it ---and i'll see what i do with the i-20 situation---i still keep thinking i dont need a new one---i'll find out----

25-Jun-2001 02:57 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
John, you quote it from istudentcity, right? I couldn't find anyone else mentioning it. I searched the INS site and there's no mention of it. Maybe it's a trick student advisors use to help students reenter the country, like initial attendance i-20 for out-of-status students.

I wanted to ask you how did you managed to travel while out-of-status? Did your advisor sign your i-20 or INS simply didn't check it? By the way if your visa is still valid why did you have to apply for reinstatement instead of reentering with a new i-20? I guess it's your advisor's decision. Maybe you can still do it even if your reinstatement application is pending, try to find out.

25-Jun-2001 05:27 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
<<<John, you quote it from istudentcity, right? >>Yes it is, and i also searched the web for these kind of information and i think maybe it is a trick for us or new rules?
Yes i did leave the US while my aplication for working permit was pending and i had no problems at all, i had no idea if you can or can't leave USA if you apply for working permit and i had no problems coming back, immigration did not ask me such a question.
Second time when i left USA (that's when i had lost my status already), i did not even know that i lost my status, so what i did is i registered at school for the next semester and left the country, i did not even have to sign my I 20 because it had an old signature that was still valid. ( valid for 1 year) But when i got back my advisor cancelled my registration and told me to apply for reinstatement, and right there a few days later my visa got expired and i was a little afraid to leave the country and come back with new visa and I 20, which i regret now, because i have been waiting for an answer from INS for the past 6 or even 7 month and who knows for how long i will be waiting more.
anybody in my shoes????

25-Jun-2001 09:56 PM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
It is really unfortunate that your registration was cancelled becasue of status violation.

26-Jun-2001 12:19 AM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
Sorry, I made a mistake, my classes registration was not cancelled, but they put my account on hold so if i wanted to add/drop any class i would not be able, that's where they got me and asked me to apply for reinstatement.

26-Jun-2001 01:58 AM
 Re: does anyone know alot about I-20s??
You've got a fascist advisor, man...

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