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05-Aug-2000 12:09 AM
  How to find a college offering the program degree I want?
I am applying for undergraduate program for computer science. Which web site lists all the colleges/ universities offering this program degree? I want to know if I can get an associate degree from a cheaper college then transfer to a 4-year-college to get a bechalor degree.
By the way, the information you gave about we can go to U.S. with B-2 and get it changed to F-1 easily is not accurate. You have to stay in USA more than 2 months before applying for a school, otherwise there is a large chance INS will deny your F1 visa. Please kindly take a note.

Best Regards.

05-Aug-2000 12:22 AM
 Re: How to find a college offering the program degree I want?
The note has been taken. Thank you.

07-Aug-2000 10:43 PM
 Re: How to find a college offering the program degree I want?
Try this, it's the best I've seen so far. Anybody has
any better idea?

08-Aug-2000 12:06 AM
 Re: How to find a college offering the program degree I want?
And yes, you can get an Associate degree and
transfer to a 4-year college. Many international
students do this to save money.

10-Aug-2000 12:35 AM
 Re: How to find a college offering the program degree I want?
We double-checked the information on "2 months in the country" rule. First we found a site that confirmed it:

We put this info on our site. Then we posted a question on our "We don't know" page and received an e-mail from an Advisor at a large university saying he doesn't know about this rule.

We are not sure this is a current regulation. We'll wait until we get more info on this.

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